In a learning process, macro skills are
very significant contributing factors for a total language development of a
learner to effectively communicate to his/her friends/colleagues.
Macro skill is a large
set of skills to use for different context. In which common teachers call it
" language . "The four macro skills are reading, listening, writing,
and speaking. Each skill has its reasons of why we should be knowledgeable on
how to communicate using the four macro skills. These skills are essential for
communicating. It is tough to study a balance of the four macro skills which
are writing, reading, writing, and listening. Being good at only one of these
communicative skills will not help us smooth away the difficulties in
communicating. With these four macro skills, it can make a big difference in
your workplace in social situations and personal achievements. Learning and
consistently seeking to improve these macro skills are important for effective
communication and to be successful in many different perspectives"
(Sarmiento, Chermiilyn. retrieved 7:09. 08/06/2016).
the (retrieved 06/08/16) defined writing as the most
difficult skill that learners of any foreign language may face. And It is
because of the following:
writing requires fluent grammar structure. An English as Second Language (ESL)
learner has to be familiar with the set of rules in structure which may be too different
from what he/she has in his/her mother tongue.
Secondly, learners, in accordance to
researches, feel that writing is boring.
when students are asked to write essays, they tend to take too much time to
think if what they have written is correct or not. Most of them gets ashamed of
themselves to ask others to check their work before passing to their teachers.
fact, in my experiences as a language teacher, I found writing as the most
difficult subject because most of my learners show no interest in writing. They
enjoy speaking, reading, listening and viewing. Therefore, writing is indeed a
herculean task.
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